PD Dr.-Ing.
M. AzadEmin
Managing & Research DirectorLebensmittel- und Prozessingenieur
+49 172 5499035azad.emin@nexnoa.com

Managing & Research Director
PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin

Nach dem Abschluss seiner Promotion mit höchster Auszeichnung (summa cum laude) im Bereich Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik im Jahr 2013 habilitierte sich Dr. Emin im Jahr 2021 und erhielt die Venia Legendi für „Biopolymerextrusion“ an der Fakultät für Verfahrenstechnik des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT). Als Forschungsgruppenleiter, assoziierter Fellow und Privatdozent am KIT hat Dr. Azad durch seine umfangreichen Forschungsprojekte und einflussreichen Publikationen im Bereich der Lebensmittel-Extrusionstechnologie internationale Anerkennung für seine wegweisende Arbeit erlangt. Im Jahr 2021 wurde ihm eine Professur in „Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik“ an der Technischen Universität München angeboten. Getrieben von seiner Vision einer innovationsorientierten Industrie entschied sich Dr. Emin jedoch, nexnoa GmbH zu gründen, wo er die Zukunft der Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik weiterhin aktiv mitgestaltet.

2016  International Union of Food Science and Technology | Young Scientist Award

2016  ProcessNet-Annual Meeting of Food Process Engineers | Presentation Award (1st Place)

2015  Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Gesellschaft e.V. | Bernhard van Lengerich Award

2013  European Federation of Chemical Engineering | Julius Maggi Research Award

Hier finden Sie die Liste der Publikationen und Präsentationen von PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin. Wenn Sie nach speziellen Inhalten suchen, nehmen Sie gern Kontakt mit uns auf.


  1. Opaluwa, C., Deskovski, S., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2024). Effect of oil on the rheological properties and reaction behavior of highly concentrated wheat gluten under conditions relevant to high moisture extrusion. Future Foods, 9. Art.-Nr.: 100307.
  2. Ellwanger, F., Pernice, L., Karbstein, H. P., Emin, M. A. (2023). Investigating local residence time and thermomechanical stress profile in twin-screw extrusion of plant proteins by using the moving particle semi-implicit simulation method. Journal of Food Engineering, 359, Art.-Nr.: 111665.
  3. Ellwanger, F., Georgantopoulos, C. K., Karbstein, H. P., Wilhelm, M.,  Emin, M.A. (2023). Application of the ramp test from a closed cavity rheometer to obtain the steady-state shear viscosity η ( γ̇ ) Applied Rheology, 33 (1), Art.-Nr.: 20220149.
  4. Opaluwa, C., Lott, T., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2023).  Encapsulation of oil in the high moisture extrusion of wheat gluten: Interrelation between process parameters, matrix viscosity and oil droplet size (2023). Future Foods 7, Art.-Nr.:100222.
  5. Trabert, A., Schmid, V., Keller, J., Emin, M.A., Bunzel, M.A. (2022). Chemical composition and technofunctional properties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) pomace and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) pulp as affected by thermomechanical treatment. European Food Research and Technology, 248(10), pp. 2451-2470.
  6. Trabert, A., Schmid, V., Keller, J., Emin, M.A., Bunzel, M. (2022). Impact of extrusion on polyphenols and dietary fiber-associated proanthocyanidins of apple pomace. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 118(5).
  7. Schmid, V., Mayer-Miebach, E., Behsnilian, D., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2022). Enrichment of starch-based extruded cereals with chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) pomace: Influence of processing conditions on techno-functional and sensory related properties, dietary fibre and polyphenol content as well as in vitro digestibility. LWT 154, 112610.
  8. Schmid, V.; Steck, J.; Behsnilian, D.; Bunzel, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Mayer-Miebach, E.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Extrusion processing of pure chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) pomace: Impact on dietary fiber structure and bioactive compounds. Foods 10(3),518.
  9. Kendler, C.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2021). Effect of oil content and oil addition point on the extrusion processing of wheat gluten-based meat analogues. Foods 10(4),697.
  10. Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2021). Concentration dependent reaction behavior of whey proteins: diffusion-controlled or transition state-controlled reactions?. Food Hydrocolloids 118,106745.
  11. Martin, A., Osen, R., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021). Linking expansion behaviour of extruded potato starch/rapeseed press cake blends to rheological and technofunctional properties. Polymers 13(2),215, pp. 1-19.
  12. Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2021). Influence of thermomechanical treatment and pH on the denaturation kinetics of highly concentrated whey protein isolate, Journal of Food Engineering, 292, 110294.
  13. Emin, M.A.; Schwegeler, Y.; Wittek, P. (2021). Numerical analysis of thermal and mechanical stress profile during the extrusion processing of plasticized starch by non-isothermal flow simulation, Journal of Food Engineering, 295, 110407.
  14. Wittek, P., Walther, G., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021). Comparison of the rheological properties of plant proteins from various sources for extrusion applications. Foods 10(8),1700.
  15. Wittek, P., Ellwanger, F., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021). Morphology development and flow characteristics during high moisture extrusion of a plant-based meat analogue. Foods 10(8),1753.
  16. Schmid, V., Trabert, A., Keller, Bunzel, M., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021). Defined shear and heat treatment of apple pomace: impact on dietary fiber structures and functional properties European Food Research and Technology 247(8), pp. 2109-2122.
  17. Martin, A., Naumann, S., Osen, R., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021) Extrusion processing of rapeseed press cake-starch blends: Effect of starch type and treatment temperature on protein, fiber and starch solubility. Foods 10(6),1160.
  18. Wittek, P., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021) Blending proteins in high moisture extrusion to design meat analogues: Rheological properties, morphology development and product properties. Foods10(7),1509.
  19. Martin, A., Osen, R., Karbstein, H.P., Emin, M.A. (2021). Impact of rapeseed press cake on the rheological properties and expansion dynamics of extruded maize starch. Foods 10(3),616.
  20. Wittek, P.; Zeiler, N.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). High moisture extrusion of soy protein: Investigations on the formation of anisotropic product structure. Foods 10(1), 102.
  21. Wittek, P.; Zeiler, N.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Analysis of the complex rheological properties of highly concentrated proteins with a closed cavity rheometer, Applied Rheology, 30, 64-76.
  22. Schmid, V.; Trabert, A.; Schäfer, J.; Bunzel, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Modification of the functional properties of apple pomace by extrusion processing, Foods, 9(10), 1385.
  23. Schmid, V.; Steck, J.; Behsnilian, D.; Briviba, K.; Bunzel, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Mayer-Miebach, E.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Defined thermomechanical treatment of chokeberry pomace – Impact on the structure and content of dietary fiber, the stability and bioaccessibility of polyphenols and the release of glucose after in vitro digestion, Food Research International, 134, 109232.
  24. Schmid, V.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Influence of extrusion processing on the gelation properties of extruded apple pomace dispersions: involved components and their rheological behavior, Foods, 9, 1536.
  25. Quevedo, M.; Kulozik, U.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Influence of Thermomechanical Treatment and Ratio of β-Lactoglobulin and α-Lactalbumin on the Denaturation and Aggregation of Highly Concentrated Whey Protein Systems, Foods, 9(9).
  26. Quevedo, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Denaturation behavior and kinetics of single and multi-component protein systems at extrusion-Like conditions, Polymers, 12(9).
  27. Quevedo, M.; Kulozik, U.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Effect of thermomechanical treatment on the aggregation behaviour and colloidal functionality of β-Lactoglobulin at high concentrations, International Dairy Journal, 104, 104654.
  28. Quevedo, M.; Kulozik, U.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2020). Kinetics of denaturation and aggregation of highly concentrated β-Lactoglobulin under defined thermomechanical treatment, Journal of Food Engineering, 274.
  29. Pietsch, V.; Werner, R.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2019). High moisture extrusion of wheat gluten: Relationship between process parameters, protein polymerization, and final product characteristics, Journal of Food Engineering, 259, 3-11.
  30. Martin, A.; Osen, R.; Greiling, A.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2019). Effect of rapeseed press cake and peel on the extruder response and physical pellet quality in extruded fish feed, Aquaculture, 512.
  31. Quevedo, M.; Jandt, U.; Kulozik, U.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2019). Investigation on the influence of high protein concentrations on the thermal reaction behaviour of β-lactoglobulin by experimental and numerical analyses, International Dairy Journal, 97, 99 – 110.
  32. Pietsch, V.L.; Bühler, J.M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2019). High moisture extrusion of soy protein concentrate: Influence of thermomechanical treatment on protein-protein interactions and rheological properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 251, 11-18.
  33. Pietsch, V.L.; Schöffel, F.; Rädle, M.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2019). High moisture extrusion of wheat gluten: Modeling of the polymerization behavior in the screw section of the extrusion process, Journal of Food Engineering, 246, 67-74.
  34. Dekkers, B.; Emin, M.A.; Boom, R.; van der Goot. A.J. (2018). The phase properties of soy protein and wheat gluten in a blend for fibrous structure formation, Food Hydrocolloids, 79, 273 – 281.
  35. Wittek, P.; Pereira, G.; Emin, M.A.; Lemiale, V.; Cleary, P. (2018). Accuracy analysis of SPH for flow in a model extruder with a kneading element, Chemical Engineering Science,187, 256–268.
  36. Pietsch, V.L.; Karbstein, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2018). Kinetics of wheat gluten polymerization at extrusion-like conditions relevant for the production of meat analog products, Food Hydrocolloids, 85, 102-109.
  37. Kristiawana, M.; Micard, V.; Maladira, P.; Alchamieh, C.; Maigreta, J. E.; Réguerrea, A.L.; Emin, M.A.; Della Valle, G. (2018). Multi-scale structural changes of starch and proteins during pea flour extrusion. Food Research International, 108, 203 – 215.
  38. Koch, L.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2018). Improving the emulsifying properties of whey protein isolate-citrus pectin blends by a novel reactive extrusion approach, Journal Food Engineering. 223, 175-188.
  39. Philipp, C.; Emin, M.A.; Buckow, R.; Silcock, P.; Oey, I. (2018). Pea protein-fortified extruded snacks: Linking melt viscosity and glass transition temperature with expansion behavior, Journal Food Engineering. 217, 93 – 100.
  40. Emin, M.A.; Quevedo, M.; Wilhelm, M.; Karbstein, H.P. (2017). Analysis of the reaction behavior of highly concentrated plant proteins in extrusion-like conditions, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 44, 15 – 20.
  41. Pietsch, V.L.; Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2017). Process conditions influencing wheat gluten polymerization during high moisture extrusion of meat analog products, Journal of Food Engineering, 198, 28-35.
  42. Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2017). A mechanistic approach to analyze extrusion processing of biopolymers by numerical, rheological, and optical methods, Trends in Food Science and Technology. 60, 88 – 95.
  43. Beck, S.M.; Knoerzer, K.; Sellahewa, J.; Emin, M.A.; Arcot, J. (2017). Effect of different heat-treatment times and applied shear on secondary structure, molecular weight distribution, solubility and rheological properties of pea protein isolate as investigated by capillary rheometry, Journal of Food Engineering, 208, 66-76.
  44. Koch, L.; Hummel, L.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2017). Structural changes and functional properties of highly concentrated whey protein isolate-citrus pectin blends after defined, high temperature treatments, LWT – Food Science and Technology, 84, 634 – 642.
  45. Koch, L.; Hummel, L.; Schuchmann, H.P.; Emin, M.A. (2017). Influence of Defined Shear Rates on Structural Changes and Functional Properties of Highly Concentrated Whey Protein Isolate-Citrus Pectin Blends at Elevated Temperatures, Food Biophysics, 12, 309 – 322.
  46. Koch. L; Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2017). Reaction behaviour of highly concentrated whey protein isolate under defined heat treatments, International Dairy Journal, 71, 114 – 121.
  47. Koch. L; Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2017). Influence of processing conditions on the for-mation of whey protein-citrus pectin conjugates in extrusion, Journal Food Engineering. 193, 1- 9.
  48. Pietsch, V.; Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2016). Process conditions influencing wheat gluten polymerization during high moisture extrusion of meat analog products, Journal Food Engineering. 198, 25 – 35.
  49. Emin, M.A.; Teumer, T.; Schmitt, W.; Rädle, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2015). Measurement of the true melt temperature in a twin-screw extrusion processing of starch-based matrices via infrared sensor, Journal Food Engineering. 170, 119-124.
  50. Merkel, T.; Emin M.A.; Schuch, A.; Schuchmann H.P. (2014). Design of a cone-cone shear cell to study emulsification characteristics, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 38(2), 304-310.
  51. Emin, M.A. Schuchmann, H. P. (2013). Droplet breakup and coalescence in a twin-screw extrusion processing of starch-based matrix, Journal of Food Engineering, 116(1),118–129.
  52. Horvat, M.; Emin, M.A.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2013). Influence of medium-chain triglycerides on expansion and rheological properties of extruded corn starch, Carbohydrate Polymers, 93(2), 492-498)
  53. Horvat, M.; Emin, M.A.; Hochstein, B.; Willenbacher, N.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2013). A multiple-step slit die rheometer for rheological characterization of extruded starch melts, Journal Food Engineering, 116(2), 398-403.
  54. Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2013). Analysis of the dispersive mixing efficiency in a twin– screw extrusion processing of starch-based matrix, Journal of Food Engineering, 115(1), 132– 143.
  55. Emin, M.A.; Hardt, N.; van der Goot, A. J.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2012). Formation of oil droplets in plasticized starch matrix in simple shear flow, Journal of Food Engineering, 112(3), 200–207.
  56. Emin, M.A.; Schmidt, U.; van der Goot, A. J.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2012). Coalescence of oil droplets in plasticized starch matrix in simple shear flow, Journal of Food Engineering, 113(3), 453-460.
  57. Emin, M.A.; Mayer–Miebach, E.; Schuchmann, H. P. (2012). Retention of β–carotene as a model substance for lipophilic phytochemicals during extrusion cooking, LWT – Food Science and Technology, 48(2), 302–307.
  58. Sauter, C.; Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H. P.; Tavman, S. (2008). Influence of hydrostatic pressure and sound amplitude on the ultrasound induced dispersion and de-agglomeration of nanoparticles, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 15 (4), 517-523.


  1. Emin, M.A. (2021). Key technological advances of extrusion processing. In: Food Engineering Innovations Across the Food Supply Chain pp. 131-148.
  2. Wittek, P.; Emin, M.A. (2017). Three-dimensional modeling of food extrusion processes. In: Reference Module in Food Science. Elsevier.
  3. Emin, M.A. (2015). Modeling extrusion processes. In: Modeling Food Processing Operations, edited by S. Bakalis, K. Knoerzer, and P. J. Fryer. Woodhead Publishing.
  4. Schuchmann, H. P.; Köhler, K.; Emin, M.A.; Schubert, H. (2013). Food process engineering research and innovation in a fast-changing world: paradigms/case studies. Advances in Food Process Engineering Research and Applications, 41-59.
  5. Emin, M.A.; Köhler, K.; Schlender, M.; Heike Petra Schuchmann (2011). Characterization of mixing in food extrusion and emulsification processes by using CFD. In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’10, edited by Wolfgang E Nagel, Dietmar B. Kröner, and Michael M. Resch, Stuttgart, Springer.
  6. Emin, M.A.; Schmidt, U.S.; Hardt, N.; van der Goot, A.J. (2012). Formulierung in festen Matrices: Dispergieren von Öltropfen in plastifizierten Stärkematrices. Emulgiertechnik, 2. Auflage, Edito edited by Schuchmann, H.P. and Köhler, K., Behr’s Verlag, Hamburg, 2012.

Präsentationen (Gastredner)

  1. Emin, M.A. (2020). Disruptive Innovation Potential of Extrusion Technology to Design Meat Alternatives. AIChE – 2nd Emerging Meat alternatives Conference (EMAC). San Diego/Online.
  2. Emin, M.A. (2019). Food Structure Engineering: Product Design Principles Revisited. ICEF – International Congress on Engineering and Science. Melbourne.
  3. Emin, M.A. (2019). Design of functional and sustainable food ingredients by extrusion processing. Food Ingredients Europe. Paris.
  4. Emin, M.A. (2019). Structuring plant proteins to design sustainable food systems. A*Star – Alternative Protein Industry Roundtable. Singapore.
  5. Emin, M.A. (2019). Design of plant-based meat analogues. ICoMST 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Berlin.
  6. Emin, M.A. (2018). Role of protein reactivity and rheology on the delivery of alternative proteins into food systems. IFT 2018. Chicago.
  7. Emin, M.A. (2018). Designing meat analogues by extrusion processing: A short history of a long story. Meat Analogues Conference. Wageningen.
  8. Emin, M.A. (2018). Zum Stand der Technik der Texturierung von pflanzlichen Proteinen durch Extrusion. 47. Wissenschaftliche Informationstagung der BBGfG. Berlin.
  9. Emin, M.A. (2018). Extrusion zur Gestaltung von proteinbasierten Lebensmitteln. FEI Kooperationsforum. Bonn.
  10. Emin, M.A. (2018). Protein Extrusion: Product and process design principles revisited. IFT 2018. Chicago.
  11. Emin, M.A. (2017). Mechanistic analysis of extrusion processing. Coperion Food Extrusion Seminar. Stuttgart.
  12. Emin, M.A. (2017). Rheology and modelling of complex food systems in reactive extrusion. ACS Annual Meeting. San Francisco.
  13. Emin, M.A. (2016). Analysis of the reaction behaviour of concentrated protein systems in extrusion-like conditions by using a closed cavity rheometer. 18th World Food Congress. Dublin.
  14. Emin, M.A. (2016). Analysis of extrusion processing at a mechanistic level to design functional and sustainable food products. IFT 2016. Chicago.
  15. Emin, M.A. (2014). Extrusion technology and its future in the food industry. UNSW Symposium on Food Innovation – Present & Future. Sydney.

Präsentationen (selbst eingereicht)

  1. Emin, M.A.; Koch. L.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2018). Reactive extrusion of whey protein-citrus pectin blends: Investigations on structural changes and functional properties. 7th International Symposium on Delivery of Functionality into Complex Food Systems. Auckland.
  2. Emin, M.A.; Wittek, P.; Pietsch, V.; Schuchmann H.P. (2016). Characterization of flow characteristics and structure formation in die section of extrusion processing. 30th EFFoST International Conference. Vienna.
  3. Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2015). Characterization of extrusion processing by rheological, numerical, and optical methods. 29th EFFoST International Conference. Athens.
  4. Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2015). A mechanistic approach to deliver functionality into complex food systems via extrusion processing. International symposium in Food Rheology and Structure. Zurich.
  5. Emin, M.A. (2014). Extrusion Technology and its future in the food industry. UNSW Symposium on Food Innovation – Present & Future. Sydney.
  6. Emin, M.A.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2014). Dispersive mixing of oil in plasticized starch by extrusion processing to design functional foods. Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium. Amsterdam.
  7. Emin, M.A.; Schmidt, van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2011). Breakup and coalescence of triglyceride droplets in plasticized starch matrices in simple shear flow. International Food Congress on Novel Approaches in Food Industry, Izmir-Turkey.
  8. Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2011). Designing health promoting food products by dispersing oil droplets into plasticised starch matrices via extrusion process. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin.
  9. Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; Hardt, N.; Schuchmann, H.P.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R. (2010). Dispersing triglycerides in plasticized starch matrices. ProcessNet Fachausschüsse „Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik“ und „Mehrphasenströmungen“, Frankfurt.
  10. Emin, M.A.; Hardt, N.; Schuchmann, H.P.; van der Goot, A.J.; Boom, R (2010). Dispersion of low viscous oil droplets into thermoplasticized starch matrix in simple shear flow. 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, Göteborg – Sweden.
  11. Emin, M.A.; Horvat, M.; Hirth, M.; Schuchmann, H.P. (2010). Dispersive mixing of lipophilic components in thermoplasticized starch matrix by twin screw extrusion: Numerical simulation and experimental results. in: 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7, Prague.
  12. Emin, M.A.; Mayer-Miebach, E.; H. P. Schuchmann (2010). Encapsulation of lipophilic bioactives into starch-based matrix via extrusion process: Influence of process and material properties on dispersive mixing of triglycerides and on stability of all-trans-ß-carotene. Formula VI Conference, Stockholm.

Seit der Gründung seiner Forschungsgruppe im Jahr 2013 forscht PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin schwerpunktmäßig an der Funktionalisierung und Texturierung von Lebensmitteln auf pflanzlicher Basis durch Extrusionsverfahren innerhalb vier verschiedener Bereiche.

1. die Texturierung von Proteinen auf pflanzlicher Basis (z. B. Weizen-, Soja- oder Erbsenproteine), um Fleischanaloga zu entwickeln, die eine muskelähnliche Textur aufweisen.

2. die Funktionalisierung von Proteinen auf pflanzlicher Basis, um deren Anwendungsbereiche durch die Verbesserung ihrer Eigenschaften zu erweitern.

3. Das Upcycling und die Funktionalisierung von pflanzlichen Nebenprodukten aus der Obst-, Gemüse- und Getreideverarbeitung (z.B. Apfel- und Möhrentrester, Biertreber), um deren inhaltsreichen, bioaktiven Stoffe in hochwertige Lebensmittel zurückzuführen und spezifische Texturen u.a. für Backwaren, Smoothies oder Würste zu erzeugen.

4. Die Funktionalisierung und Texturierung von pflanzlichen Mischungen (z. B. Mischungen aus einer stärkebasierten Matrix mit pflanzlichen Proteinen und/oder Nebenprodukten), um diese Fraktionen direkt in verzehrfertige Produkte wie Frühstückszerealien und Snacks zu formulieren.

Um das gesamte Potenzial des Extrusionsprozesses zu nutzen, hat PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin einen interdisziplinären Forschungsansatz entwickelt, der Material- und Ingenieurwissenschaften vereinigt und es so ermöglicht, den Prozess auf mechanistischer Ebene zu charakterisieren.

Im Fokus der Weiterentwicklung der Forschung liegt auch die Analyse und Kontrolle des Einflusses der Fraktionierungsschritte bei der Funktionalisierung/Texturierung von Lebensmitteln auf pflanzlicher Basis. Wenn vorher fraktionierte und veredelte Bestandteile danach zur endgültigen Verarbeitung zusammengeführt werden, sollten die Potentiale der einzelnen Rohstoffe maximal nutzbar werden – bei gleichzeitiger Minimierung der Nebenströme. Aus der Polymerindustrie ist bekannt, dass das Mischen der verschiedenen Komponenten sogar zu Materialeigenschaften führen kann, die den einzelnen Komponenten der Mischung überlegen sind. Die laufende Forschung von PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin und seinem Team zeigt, dass dies erwartungsgemäß auch für hochkonzentrierte Biopolymermischungen gilt. Trotz der Relevanz und Bedeutung für die Texturierung ist das derzeitige Wissen über das Mischen von hochkonzentrierten Biopolymeren noch sehr begrenzt. PD Dr.-Ing. M. Azad Emin und sein Team forscht konsequent daran, dass sich dies nachhaltig ändert.